Dating with a Weapon
Israel, all men and women have to serves their national service in the army. All soldiers have to know how to take care of their own weapon and infect they get to bring their weapon home. They have to bring it wherever they go and sleep with the weapon beside them. And even during dating! This is the way the army imparts knowledge and disciplines its soldiers. To me this is a culture shock! 😂 I was so interested to photograph them and I asked their permission to take a picture of their conversations.
“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”” John 4:7, 13-14 NIV
There are so much to observe and learnt from my Israel photography journey.
I am Alex Soh, World Travel & Landscape Photographer
ILFORD Brand Ambassador, Epson Ambassador, Nikon Ambassador 2010-2015
Founder of NFT SolarCoffeeProject | Website:
Bringing photography imageries to tell the stories of our coffee farmers.
Specialty Coffee is no longer the name on the gunnysack.
When you drink our coffee, you are able to see our farmers.
TianLu Specialty Coffee Labo & Roastery connecting you with the best specialty coffee from all over the world. We travel deep into coffee plantations, capturing local scenes and stories to provide you with information on the traceability and transparency of coffee. We hope that when you drink our coffee, you can see our coffee farmers. We select high-grade 100% Arabica coffee beans with a cupping score of 85 and above from around the world. With a refined roasting process and strict quality control, our customers can enjoy the unique flavour of coffee from different regions and taste all the delicious coffee from around the world.
天路精品咖啡烘焙实验室带你 遇见全世界好咖啡。深入咖啡 种植园,拍摄咖啡产地源头,捕捉当地的画面与故事,记录可溯源的咖啡生态信息。希望当你喝到我们的咖啡时,可以看见我们的咖啡农民。我们严选世界各个产区同等级别杯测得分在85分以上、高品质、100% 阿拉比卡精品豆。精致烘焙,严控烘焙品质,让顾客可以喝到不同产区的咖啡带来的独特风味,尝尽世界美味的好咖啡。
ALEX SOH BrandDirector
Coffee Hunter | World Travel & Landscape Photographer | ILFORDMaster
The key element is people, we invest time in each other with great respect. Not afraid to challenge tradition and explore new ideas all the time. We embrace team effort, high-responsibility and we love our customers. The team is always there to share with you our coffee stories and skill so that you could be in love with coffee just as we do. Come and visit our Coffee Labo in Xiamen, China!
TianLu Specialty Coffee Labo & Roastery
Tianlu cafe, #2 floor, B2 building, #132-5 Huachang Rd. Huli District, Xiamen, China (361000)
TEL: 18876406702
Timothy Zhou
Cafe Manager | Barista
Jamie Soh
LEADDigital Marketing
Designer | Barista
Customer Relation